My Dance With Music
When I was seven years old, I started piano lessons... and Music asked me to dance. Strong and steady, she taught me the 12 half steps...helping me find the One...keeping time for me. I knew that Music and I would be lifelong partners...and we danced and danced until I was 18...when I found out I was pregnant and I let go. I stopped dancing. I couldn't hear Music calling out the steps to me anymore and I was lost in the silence.
But when my baby's newborn cries was the sweetest sound...and the steady beat of his heart against mine stirred up rhythm...melody soon followed...and Suite no. 1 became the Seven Movement Symphony. Music and I danced and danced.
And then Necessity tapped Music on the shoulder, asking to cut in...
"May I?"and I obliged. Music waltzed away and I tried falling into step with my new partner...because Necessity made sense...but I was two left feet tripping over quarters and I couldn't find my groove. I was off balance and my head was spinning...I could feel myself slipping so I let go... to find my ground and steady my heart.
I needed my old partner back. I searched and searched the room but could not hear her....I thought for sure Music had left.
Then I looked up....and I felt her. There she was...just smiling...patiently waiting.
Is it my turn again? she sang. finally is.
Shall we?
~ My Dance With Music, Tara Shannon